ok, so today i am going to talk to you all about my pawrents!
let's start out w/ daddi:

my daddi's name is mr. R and he is in his 20's (that's pretty old).
his great grammy (from his mum side) escaped from a concentration camp called auschwitz and a very long time ago, a grampy of his (from his dad side) rode w/ pancho villa.
daddi has always loved cars (especially the fast zoom zoom ones) and how they work. he is going to school full time so he can work for nascar/formula 1.
do your pawrents remember this movie called "The Bucket List"? dad helped restore that red car:
isn't that cool?
oh--and he boughts me and mum this Turbo 1978 datsun Z race car:

dad said the he is gonna make this Z car more pretty, but i think it's pretty already!

here, dad (the little man on the left) is working on the Z.
on to my mummy:
she was born in california but moved to this little cowtown called dodge city when she was bout 8 or 9. when mummy turned 19, she moved back to california because she can't see herself anywhere else.
she absolutely loves the city!
mum is an artist and has been drawing since she was a baby. she loves all that is art, photography and enjoys museums of all sorts.
mummy has always cared for animals and will start school soon so she can become a dr. but, the two things mummy loves the most are fashion and dogs, so opening a pet boutique is her ultimate dream come true. she is saving green papers so she can buy a store and she says that she will let me work with her as a personal shopper for our future clients.

there you go everyfurry--my pawrents!
Thank you so much for you kind thoughts. I know every comment helps momma be less worried knowing that there are so many doggies thinking of me.
Hey! You sure are little and your mom and dad are not very old. In fact they are younger than my human brother and sissy! Exciting times for them. I sure hope your mom gets to open her store.
I had no idea your pawrent were such spring chickens...heck, thay haven't even hatched yet.
Your mom is so very beautiful and very artsy, we likes dat. My mum grew ups with artists in da family.
Your dad is one cool dude. Dat is soooo freaking cool dat he worked on dat car fur da movie. Nows, bout dat auschwitz stuffs...thank you fur sharing dat. What a horrific thing they hads to go through.
Hi, Luna!
Thanks for sharing your mom and dad with us!
They are very young!
I loved reading about your family!
I am sure all their dreams will come true!
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs
Thank you for introducing us to your pawrents! I would love to come to your shop someday. I think you have the cutest fashion sense ever, Luna!!!
This was interesting, thanks for sharing that all that fun stuff about your pawrents!
I loved that movie, The Bucket List! Very cool that your daddy worked on that car.
I hope your mom gets to open her pet boutique one day.
aaahhh we loved learning about your pawrents. we are purrty sure they are just babies.
Benny & Lily
You have nice and kind pawrents, little Princess !
What very cool parents you have Luna!!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob
I agree with Puddles (we3doxies) that your mom is furry pretty and that your dad is the coolest fur working on that car of his! We love learning all about the humans because, after all, they do feed us and give us a place to hang our tails!
That was nice. I love meeting your parents today. I was going to the Oscar thingy, but I forgot. That is pretty cool that your dad fixed up the car the bucket list and your Mom is an artist' How cool is that!
Thanks for sharing your parents with us!! Just let me know when your shop opens and I will fly out to CA for a make over!!
Your pal, Pip
Thanks for sharing your family. Your humans are very talented and young.
We know when your mum gets her shop, you'll be a great advertisement cruisin' around in your dad's cars.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Woof! Woof! WOW did not realized your peeps are young. My mom has no plans to move to California (She used to live in SF) but would also LOVE to open a dog boutique ... hoping soon so we don't have to do shows (even though its FUN). Thanks for sharing. We are still catching up with BLOGS ... isn't there's a pajama party going on or I'm I late to join that? Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Now that we know all about you, it's so nice to learn about your parents. We wish we lived in California--especially during the Chicago winters--and love dogs and fashion too. Good luck with school and the pet boutique!
Oh my Goodness!!
Yous Mommy is so Pretty's!!!
And oh we's love 'dose cars yous Daddy works ons!! Super Duper Cools!!
Our Mommy and Daddy saw 'dat movie 'da Bucket List!! Hee Hee! 'dats cool!! We's bet yous were hiding ins 'da back sets wits Morgan Freeman and Jack huh!! SNORTS!!
Oh dis was good stuffs!!
On s serious notes... Mommy's favorite books of all times is called Mans Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl.
Mommy was wonderings if yous Daddy evers reads it 'cuz of his Great Grammy...its a profound story.
Izzy, Anakin Man and Josie
H0t rides, c00l daddi and beautiful mommy! Luna ya have pawsome pawrents!! ^^
We loved getting to know your pawrents.:) My daddy loves cars too and fixes them every day.
Teddy Bear
You have a bootiful mummy, you must take after her!
We enjoyed hearing all about your mummy and daddy Luna. Your mummy is a beautiful girl and we think your dad is very clever to fix those great cars. Hope your mummy gets her doggie boutique one day.
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx
Princess Luna!
I am so late getting over here to read all about your parents, my older than dirt mom and dad left me with grandpaw yesterday and went out on the motorcycles so I couldn't visit all of my furiends until now.
Wow your mom is SO pretty. I am sure she will make an excellent dr. someday! I thinks it's cool that your dad works on cars, just like mine does! My dad liked that movie lots, so I will tell him that your dad fixed up that car from it. :) Thank you for sharing their story with us.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Hi Luna, we are Chewy & Lilibell and are new to your blog! You are a little cutie, and a Fashionista Diva just like Lilibell!! Our Mom also has a dream of opening a pet boutique someday, but for now she just has to content herself with sewing outfits in our kitchen and selling them online!
We hope to become friends with you!
Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell
I'm impressed. Some lucky dog!
Luna - You have really cool parents! You obviously lead a very exciting life. We hope you get your very own boutique real soon!
The Road Dogs
PeeS - still trying to get photos for your slumber party!
Luna, thank you for sharing about your pawrents. We totally enjoyed reading all about them. Mom and Dad are in their 20s, too, and Mom wants to open her own pet boutique as well!
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